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Our History

Pegged on the precepts of National Unity, Peace, Integrity and Economic Empowerment, the founders of the Party coined the name "JIBEBE" "let's lift ourselves up, together," envisioning a self-sustained Country.

Derived from the Buffalo Demeanor, the Party Founders imprinted the Buffalo Icon into the Tujibebe Wakenya Emblem. In the wild, Buffalos esteem living in herds, alluding to the much needed Unity Kenyans need to embrace. When faced by imminent peril, they charge head-on with sheer grit, will-power and speed, surmounting every obstacle. In the same mannerism and given the opportunity by Kenyans, we are more determined than ever to confront Graft, and unequitable distribution of Public Resources. Through Sustainable Tujibebe Wakenya Party is poised to Revolutionize the Way of Life for Millions of Kenyans.

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Our Core Principles

TUJIBEBE WAKENYA PARTY (JIBEBE) is founded on following core Principles;

Core Princip

Our Team Members

Party Leadership

Together we the people achieve more than any single
person could ever do alone.

support team


Campaign is power


Total Volunteer




Vote Papers


Coverage Area

mission & vision

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Our mission & vision

Together we the people achieve more than any single
person could ever do alone.

Equality and solidarity

Together we the people achieve more than any single person could ever do alone...

Equality and solidarity

Together we the people achieve more than any single person could ever do alone...

Equality and solidarity

Together we the people achieve more than any single person could ever do alone...